The model of six sources of influence considers all aspects of what drives change. We have to be personally and/or socially motivated and we have to have the tools and environment and, arguably the most important, the people around us that support the change. We can see this easily displayed in the All washed Up video, using 4 of the 6 sources of influence was the tipping point to go from zero participation to almost complete participation. I think this was an excellent demonstration of how all people are motivated very differently but that the social aspect or peer aspect plays a huge role. In this experiment, if he had stopped at 3 sources of influence then we would think it was a failure, but that one additional area made all the difference. The biggest question I have is if we only used the social motivation if that would have yielded the same results of the combination. Peer influence is profound.
We accept cohorts of 40 students into our program two times a year. Every group is profoundly different based on the loudest voice in the group. If that person happens to be service oriented and helpful then the group will do that. In contrast, if they complain and disregard the techniques presented then that is what the group seems to do. It is very much a herd mentality. The faculty tries to pinpoint who the leaders(notice the obvious) will be quickly so that we can be sure and steer them in the right direction. We enlist them as leaders immediately. We have done this well a few times and very poorly other times. All the times, we knew who would be steering the ship at the onset and had a good idea of how successful we would be based on the social motivation of the group.
My original innovation plan was adding blended learning to my courses. I have to say that the more I have learned in these books on influence and execution, the less I think I can be successful in my endeavor. I am currently rethinking if I have chosen something that can change vital behaviors.
Crucial Learning. (2009, September 21). All washed up! YouTube. Retrieved March 28, 2023, from https://youtu.be/osUwukXSd0k
Patterson, K., Grenny, J., Maxfield, D., McMillan, R., & Switzler, A. (2009). Influencer: The Power to Change Anything, First edition (Hardcover). McGraw-Hill