Stephanie Wells
"An investment in knowledge, pays the best interest"
-Benjamin Franklin

Implementation Outline
Objective- Recommended timeline to implement a blended-learning model into radiologic science curriculum to increase student engagement, create better learner outcomes and overcome time limitation issues.
Phase I- Research, Discussion, and Proposal.
Estimated timeframe- Now until December 2022
Review learning goals and objectives for the course.
Continue literature research on blended-learning models.
Identify best practices for blended-learning in health science models.
Review evidence from case studies in blended-learning.
Discuss literature findings with faculty in the courses impacted.
Share innovation proposal with the impacted faculty, curriculum committee and administrators.
Solicit feedback from faculty
Obtain approval from the curriculum committee and then administrators.
Phase II- Planning
Estimated timeframe- December 2022-May 2023
Establish current learning objectives can align with a blended-learning model.
Enlist faculty that are willing to contribute to the conversion.
Establish roles for faculty for uniformity in co-teaching.
Solicit best practices in the current courses.
Trouble-shoot areas that are not as effective that can be blended.
Identify technology availability and needs.
Poll students.
Determine potential technology needs.
Enlist Dallas College resources for those without access.
Establish if Dallas College digital resources can meet the needs of the new blends.
OER and LMS capabilities
Determine which order to blend the elements.
Collaboration with peers
Situational judgment
Interactive radiographs
Phase III- Building and Implementing
Estimated timeframe- June 2023-December 2023
Gather resources needed for effective delivery of content.
Develop a prototype for the first element chosen to blend.
Articulate learning goals.
Create digital interactions to replace the content areas that were determined to be ineffective in the current model.
Create the framework to add the
the new blended elements.
Create criteria that will be used to determine if the blended-model is effective.
Solicit feedback from students and instructors on the criteria.
What will alert us to improved student engagement?
What will determine if the outcomes improve?
What will distinguish better time flexibility for students?
Phase IV-Adoption
Estimated timeframe-January 2024-June 2024
Share goals and purpose of the new model with students to increase engagement.
Ensure that students have the technology necessary to support the blended model.
Launch new model into the first cohort.
1st cohort January 2024
2nd cohort June 2024
Phase V-Evaluate, Reflect, and Edit
Estimated timeframe-March 2024-ongoing
Solicit feedback from students and instructors at mid-semester and semester end of all 3 courses that are blended.
Evaluate findings for effectiveness.
Have we achieved what we intended?
What is working?
What is not working?
What can be adjusted and improved?
What needs to be eliminated?
Make appropriate edits and continue to remediate findings until all goals are met.
Continue to collaborate with faculty about potential adjustments.
Bailey, J., & Martin, N. (2013, September). Blended learning implementation guide.
Resources & Guidance from The Learning Accelerator. Retrieved October 5, 2022, from
Gedik, N., Kiraz, E., & Ozden, M. Y. (2013). Design of a blended learning environment: Considerations and implementation issues. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 29(1).