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My name is Stephanie Wells and I am a full-time instructor in the Radiologic Sciences Program at Dallas College.  My passion is teaching adults how to be competent, caring, and productive members of the healthcare team.  I love to teach, love my students, and love to take care of patients.  The only thing that makes me happier than teaching is traveling with my husband, spending time with my two boys, and two dogs. 

I started teaching in 2005 after working for 10 years in radiography and mammography.  My profession tends to have a good deal of apathy and it is my mission to change the world by training new, enthusiastic, qualified and caring technologists.   ​ I am a wife of 26 years and a proud mother of two boys.  I live in Allen Texas and I have worked for Dallas College since 2005.  I am finally obtaining my Master's in Education after many years working at the college.  I have chosen a focus in Applied Digital Technology because I would like to join the current generation of students in being technology savvy. I am extremely passionate about my field and I look forward to transforming my teaching with technology.

Incredible Educators of Dallas College Radiologic Sciences Program

Enjoying time in the country with the family!

Father and sons enjoying football together!

Skiiing in Wisconsin pre-Covid.

Recent vacation to Alaska.

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Rescue pooches, Cash and Sukki, living the good life.

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