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New Culture of Learning?

Writer's picture: Stephanie WellsStephanie Wells

In A New Culture of Learning, Doug Thomas and John Seely Brown discuss that if we create environments of connection instead of just content delivery then more organic learning will take place. Gone are the days of rigid structure when we poured content into learners of our own agenda. This process has stifled the joyous part of learning. Learning is happening everywhere except in school. Instead Thomas explains that we can give learners the opportunity to discover theories and concepts on their own as they uncover information through their own collaboration and investigation. If we cultivate this new culture of learning described by Thomas & Seely (2011) where we encourage the use of the resources, imagination, and play, that will constantly evolve from their own passion.

The new generation of learner has every possible tool at their finger tips. There is not a single concept that we can "teach" a student that they cannot uncover on their own in this digital age. The learning comes through both relevance and community. We are no longer called to "teach" but to coach, mentor, and facilitate (Harapnuik, 2015). He also describes that, as instructors, we have the opportunity to shift the focus to the student so they can become more self-directed learners. This is an opportunity to create lifelong learners not temporary content learners.

I teach radiologic sciences and our students are also required to pass a national test at the end of their educational requirements in order to practice in the field. My field is also very fluid because it is driven by technology. If you choose this profession then you must be willing to adapt and move along with the technology because it is rapidly changing. I am fascinated by how we teach this profession considering that the graduates will move right into an environment that is supported by the concepts described in A New Culture of Learning. I look forward to transforming our process to be more investigational and collaborative model that encourages the use of resources and play.

Harapunik, D. Creating Significant Learning Environments (CSLE). May 9, 2015.

Thomas, D., & Brown, J. S. (2011). A new culture of learning: Cultivating the imagination for a world of Constant Change. CreateSpace

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